
This documentation describes how to work with IndexBox Platform (hereinafter, the “platform”) API. The API offers a comprehensive gateway to platform’s extensive database of market research, industry insights, and global trade data. Tailored for analysts, marketers, and business leaders, the API provides seamless access to data across a multitude of sectors, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.

This manual is crafted for developers tasked with integrating market insights into business applications, platforms, or internal systems. It is also an invaluable resource for data analysts seeking to enrich their analytical models with robust market data, and for marketing professionals aiming to leverage detailed industry trends and forecasts.

Through this guide, a user will learn how to authenticate requests, navigate data offerings, perform queries to retrieve specific datasets, and understand the structure of the API responses. Our goal is to empower the client to unlock the full potential of the platfrom, transforming its data into actionable intelligence that drives business growth and innovation.

The API is an integral part of the IndexBox Platform. Any element of the Platform, the API, as well as any part of this document, is the property of IndexBox and is protected by copyright law.


Here is the list of key terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this document and at the IndexBox Platform:

Country - a distinct part of the world, recognized as a political entity within a specific territory. The list of countries is compiled based on the official UN classificatory of countries and regions or taken as reported by the official statistics of particular countries. The mention or omission of a country in the list of countries or within a specific region, or wherever in the IndexBox's materials, cannot be interpreted as either an IndexBox's statement in support of any party regarding the issue of any disputed territory, or as an IndexBox statement on the recognition or non-recognition of any sovereignty over any territory; nor does it contain any opinion whatsoever regarding the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitations of its frontiers or boundaries.

Region – for the purpose of this document and data structurization at the platform, a region means a group of countries according to their geographic proximity, based on the UN geoscheme.

Trade partners – for a particular country, its trade partners constitute import supplying countries or export destination countries.

Factor – a data item, describing a specific market indicator (i.e, production volume, consumption value, etc.)

Primary factor – a factor that is essential for the market analysis and initially derived from primary sources

Secondary factor – a factor that was calculated from other factors. E.g, yield (secondary factor) = production volume divided by harvested area.


Access to the API is provided only within the account registered on the platform. Authentication is used during any request, using a key that must be added each time the API is accessed. If the key is invalid, the request will return no data and an appropriate error statement. The key must be passed in the api_key request parameter.

The API key can be generated in your personal account. It identifies your account and must be kept secret. All actions associated with a key that belongs to a particular user, will be considered by IndexBox as responsibly made by the user. In all cases where you suspect the key security has been compromised, you must notify IndexBox and delete or re-issue the key. You can create or delete API keys in your personal account at any time.

All account API keys are subject to restrictions on the number of requests per day or month. When the current quota for an account is reached, all subsequent calls to our service will return the corresponding error.

IndexBox reserves the right to temporarily suspend or permanently terminate the user's account and any associated or single API keys at its sole discretion, should there be a violation of the restrictions set forth in the Legal Notice or upon detection of any suspicious activity by the user. "Suspicious activity" is defined as any action or inaction that exceeds the scope of normal data retrieval activities as outlined in this document and, in the opinion of IndexBox, could potentially damage the interests of IndexBox.

Data retrieval

This service is designed to automatically obtain data from the IndexBox Platform using a simple JSON API. To obtain data, it is necessary to conduct a series of queries during which you determine the required product, region and data parameters. Below is a list of the main calls:
- The "List of regions" returns a list of all regions and countries available on the platform, along with their codes.
- The "Product search" returns a list of all products available on the platform with names, IDs, and their corresponding HS-codes.
- The "Get data" returns all available information for a product/region pair within a specified date range, factored if applicable.

List of countries and regions

Use the action parameter with the value get_regions to get a list of all regions and related countries with their codes available on the platform. The code is required to get data for a specific country or region in the get_data action.

The response to a request is a JSON string, delivering an array. Structure of the response to a request for a list of regions:

the common name of a country or region.
a numeric region or country code that must be used to refer to the platform in data requests.
a sublist of countries with related names and codes applicable for a region.

HTTP request example:

Copy Copy

Response example:

                        "name": "Africa",
                        "code": "002",
                        "countries": [
                                "name": "Algeria",
                                "code": "12"
                                "name": "Angola",
                                "code": "24"
                                "name": "Benin",
                                "code": "204"
                                "name": "...",
                                "code": "..."
                            "name": "...",
                            "code": "...",
                            "countries": [
                                "name": "...",
                                "code": "..."


Product search

Use the action parameter with the value get_products to get a list of products available on the platform with their IDs, related names and corresponding HS codes. To get all products related to a particular HS-code, you need to specify the HS code in the request.

The response to a request is a JSON string. The response always delivers an array. Structure of the response to a request to search for the ID of a product by its HS code:

the alphanumeric product identifier that should be used in data requests.
the name of the product that is used on the platform.
a list of HS codes that correspond to this product on the platform.

The id_prod from the response is required to get data for a specific product in the get_data action.

HTTP request example:

Copy Copy

Response example:

                            "id_prod": "0803",
                            "name": "Bananas and Plantains",
                            "hs": "080300,080310,080390"
                            "id_prod": "080310",
                            "name": "Plantains",
                            "hs": "080310"
                            "id_prod": "080390",
                            "name": "Bananas",
                            "hs": "080390"

Get data

Use the action parameter with the value get_data to get data from the platform.

The id_prod field indicates the product ID that was obtained from the “Product search” request. The region field indicates the code value from the “List of regions” request. The region-related code may correspond to either a country (see “Glossary“) or a region (i.e., a group of countries, see “Glossary“). Attention! Leading zeros cannot be removed from code or id_prod if they are present!

The response to a request is a JSON string. Structure of the response covers the data and reflects the below mentioned parameters.

Annual or monthly data

There are two types of data in terms of period granularity: annual and monthly.

When requesting annual data, you must use the start and finish year parameters year_start and year_finish . Also in this case there should be a monthly parameter with a value of 0 .

If monthly data is required, then in addition to the year_start and year_finish parameters, you must also specify the starting and finishing months in the values of the month_start and month_finish parameters within the range between 1 (January) to 12 (December). Also in this case there should be a monthly parameter with a value of 1 .

Total data or countrywise breakdown

Annual and monthly data can be obtained for a selected combination of product/region in two possible ways:

  1. the total volume of a factor (e.g, imports/exports) for a country for a selected period. To get this data, you need to pass value 0 in the countrywise parameter.
  2. with a breakdown by country (see details below). To get the countrywise breakdown, pass 1 into this parameter, otherwise pass 0 .

In case if a region (e.g, “Asia”, code=966, see “Glossary“ for term explanation) is selected, the countrywise=1 parameter will return values for each country from the list of respective countries that belong to the region, for a single selected factor (see “Factor selection” below). Otherwise, having countrywise=0 , the call will return total values for the selected region for all factors (factor selection is disabled in this case).

In case if a country (e.g, “China”, code=156, see “Glossary“ for term explanation) is selected, the countrywise=1 parameter will return values for the list of country’s trade partners (i.e. import suppliers or export destinations), for a single selected factor (see “Factor selection” below). Otherwise, having countrywise=0 , the call will return total values for the selected country for all factors (factor selection is disabled in this case).

Factor selection

If you need to obtain data with the countrywise breakdown as described above, then you must pass 1 as the countrywise value, and also use the factor parameter, which is required in this case, the values of which are given below.

Below is the full list of factors available through the API. This list of factors is available for annual data when a region (e.g, “Asia”, code=966, see “Glossary“ for term explanation) is selected with the countrywise parameter = 1 . For some products, the list of available factors may differ due to the factor reasonability (e.g, for the “Wheat” product, “Harvested area” is available, but “Producing animals” is not relevant and not available). Each request returns the maximum possible number of factors.

Export Volume
Export Value
Import Volume
Import Value
Import Price
Export Price
Net Export Value
Net Export Volume
Harvested Area
Producing Animals
Producer Price Index
Producer Price
Production Volume
Consumption Volume
Per Capita Consumption
Consumption Value
Production Value

Below is the list of factors available for annual data when a country (e.g, “China”, code=156) is selected with the countrywise parameter = 1 . In case countrywise = 0 is selected, the full list of the applicable factors will be retrieved as described above.

Export Volume
Export Value
Import Volume
Import Value
Import Price
Export Price

Monthly data is available only for the following factors regardless what country or region is selected:

Export Volume
Export Value
Import Volume
Import Value
Import Price
Export Price

Response layout selection

The response to any request is a JSON string. There are two types of JSON layout: nested (default) and tabular. To switch between the nested and tabular layouts, use the layout parameter in your request.

Default layout

By default, the JSON contains nested structures, with values grouped by idprod, HS codes, region, period, and factor. To use the DEFAULT LAYOUT, simply do not use the layout parameter in your request. Here is a typical structure of the nested (default) response to a request for a product/region pair:

contains product information structured by country, factor and date.
dimension of the data sent.
unique alphanumeric product identifier.
a list of all HS codes that apply to this product.
the common name of a country or region.
the common name of the factor for which the request is made (if applicable).
the starting year of the requested data available on the platform.
the last year of requested data available on the platform.
the first month of the initial year of the requested data, available on the platform (if applicable).
the last month of the last year of the requested data, available on the platform (if applicable).

If there is no data in any field, null will be returned.

Monthly data are available from January, 2019 to the most recent period, which is individual for each particular country, but cannot be more than the current month. In case you will specify the time period ( year_start , year_finish , month_start , month_finish ) out of this range in your request, the API will nevertheless return data for the most extensive period available for the specified country.

The value of the unit parameter will contain information about the units of measurement for each of the retrieved factors, whether the request was for partner countries and a specific factor, or for a list of countries and one single factor.

Tabular layout

To use the TABULAR LAYOUT, add the layout parameter = tab to your request.

This will change the layout so that each combination of JSON keys (e.g. datatype, year, value type) will become a separate row in a table. The conversion will involve creating rows with columns such as country, year, factor (for example, "Consumption Volume", "Import Volume", etc.), as well as specific values (res, raw, mir). This will allow you to conveniently present the data in a more traditional tabular form, where each row contains all the necessary information on a separate indicator for a specific year.

Here is a typical structure of the tabular response to a request for a product/region pair:

unique alphanumeric product identifier.
a list of all HS codes that apply to this product.
the common name of a country or region.
the reference year for factor values in the selected row. In case the monthly=1 request is selected, this response will include also the reference month in the format of YYYYMM.
the common name of a partner country. Appears only if applicable (when countrywise data is requested).
the common name of the factor for which the request is made.
dimension of the data sent.
values of the normalized data category.
values of the raw data category.
values of the mirror data category.

HTTP request example:

Copy Copy

Response example:

								"id_prod": "0803",
								"hs_code": "080300,080310,080390",
								"region": "France",
								"year": 2012,
								"partner": "Afghanistan",
								"factor_name": "Import Price",
								"unit": "USD per kg",
								"res": 1.135147,
								"raw": 1.135132,
								"mir": null
								"id_prod": "0803",
								"hs_code": "080300,080310,080390",
								"region": "France",
								"year": 2013,
								"partner": "Afghanistan",
								"factor_name": "Import Price",
								"unit": "USD per kg",
								"res": 1.001012,
								"raw": 0.464864,
								"mir": null
								"id_prod": "0803",
								"hs_code": "080300,080310,080390",
								"region": "France",
								"year": 2012,
								"partner": "Austria",
								"factor_name": "Import Price",
								"unit": "USD per kg",
								"res": 0.999736,
								"raw": 0.999741,
								"mir": 1.033823

Response and request examples for a product/region pair

Request annual data by product/region

Request structure and description of parameters used:

can only take this value, indicating that data is being requested.
the value of this parameter is the id_prod obtained as a result of the "Product search" request. Do not remove leading zeros from this value!
the value of this parameter is the "code" returned from the "List of countries and regions" request. Do not remove leading zeros from this value!
the value of this parameter must be 0 when requesting annual data.
year_start=2012, year_finish=2023
these values contain the starting and ending years, data for which should be obtained as a result of the request. The starting year cannot be less than 2007, the finishing year cannot be greater than the current one.
the value of this parameter should be 0 if it is necessary to obtain information for the specified product/region and for total values of all available factors.
this parameter is required for all requests, set YOUR_API_KEY to your API key./region and for total values of all available factors.

HTTP request example:

Copy Copy

Response example:

                                  "data": {
                                    "Consumption Volume": {
                                      "2012": {
                                        "res": 3200,
                                        "raw": 3200,
                                        "mir": 2643
                                    "Consumption Value": {
                                      "2012": {
                                        "res": 25955,
                                        "raw": 2594,
                                        "mir": 1833
                                    "Import Volume": {
                                      "2012": {
                                        "res": 5865,
                                        "raw": 5865,
                                        "mir": 4275
                                    "Import Value": {
                                      "2012": {
                                        "res": 4753,
                                        "raw": 4753,
                                        "mir": 3001
                                    "Export Volume": {
                                      "2012": {
                                        "res": 2664,
                                        "raw": 2665,
                                        "mir": 1631
                                    "Export Value": {
                                      "2012": {
                                        "res": 2001,
                                        "raw": 2001,
                                        "mir": 1285
                                    "Import Price": {
                                      "2012": {
                                        "res": 0.81,
                                        "raw": 0.81,
                                        "mir": 0.70
                                    "Export Price": {
                                      "2012": {
                                        "res": 0.75,
                                        "raw": 0.75,
                                        "mir": 0.78
                                    "Per Capita Consumption": {
                                      "2012": {
                                        "res": 0.0048,
                                        "raw": 0.0048,
                                        "mir": 0.0040
                                    "Net Export Volume": {
                                      "2012": {
                                        "res": -3200,
                                        "raw": -3200,
                                        "mir": -2643
                                    "Net Export Value": {
                                      "2012": {
                                        "res": -2752,
                                        "raw": -2752,
                                        "mir": -1715
                                  "unit": "kg",
                                  "id_prod": "0803",
                                  "hs_code": "080300,080310,080390",
                                  "region": "France",
                                  "year_start": 2012,
                                  "year_finish": 2012


Request monthly data by product/region

Request structure and description of parameters used:

can only take this value, indicating that data is being requested.
the value of this parameter is the id_prod obtained as a result of the "Product search" request. Do not remove leading zeros from this value!
the value of this parameter is the "code" returned from the "List of countries and regions" request. Do not remove leading zeros from this value!
the value of this parameter must be 1 when requesting monthly data.
year_start=2019, year_finish=2023
these values contain the starting and ending years, data for which should be obtained as a result of the request. The starting year cannot be less than 2019 in monthly data requests, the finishing year cannot be greater than the current one.
month_start=1, month_finish=2
these values contain the starting and ending months, data for which should be obtained as a result of the request.
the value of this parameter should be 0 if it is necessary to obtain information for the specified product/region and for total values of all available factors.
this parameter is required for all requests, set YOUR_API_KEY to your API key./region and for total values of all available factors.

HTTP request example:

Copy Copy

Response example:

                                  "data": {
                                    "Import Volume": {
                                      "202001": {
                                        "raw": 5349
                                      "202002": {
                                        "raw": 6465
                                    "Import Value": {
                                      "202001": {
                                        "raw": 4396
                                      "202002": {
                                        "raw": 5463
                                    "Export Volume": {
                                      "202001": {
                                        "raw": 1880
                                      "202002": {
                                        "raw": 1527
                                    "Export Value": {
                                      "202001": {
                                        "raw": 1304
                                      "202002": {
                                        "raw": 1159
                                    "Import Price": {
                                      "202001": {
                                        "raw": 0.82
                                      "202002": {
                                        "raw": 0.84
                                    "Export Price": {
                                      "202001": {
                                        "raw": 0.69
                                      "202002": {
                                        "raw": 0.75
                                    "Net Export Volume": {
                                      "202001": {
                                        "raw": -3469
                                      "202002": {
                                        "raw": -4937
                                    "Net Export Value": {
                                      "202001": {
                                        "raw": -3091
                                      "202002": {
                                        "raw": -4303
                                  "unit": "kg",
                                  "id_prod": "0803",
                                  "hs_code": "080300,080310,080390",
                                  "region": "France",
                                  "month_start": 1,
                                  "month_finish": 2,
                                  "year_start": 2020,
                                  "year_finish": 2020


Request for annual data by product/factor and partner countries

Request structure and description of parameters used:

can only take this value, indicating that data is being requested.
the value of this parameter is the id_prod obtained as a result of the "Product search" request. Do not remove leading zeros from this value!
the value of this parameter is the "code" returned from the "List of countries and regions" request. Do not remove leading zeros from this value!
the value of this parameter must be 0 when requesting annual data.
year_start=2012, year_finish=2023
these values contain the starting and ending years, data for which should be obtained as a result of the request. The starting year cannot be less than 2007, the finishing year cannot be greater than the current one.
the value of this parameter must be equal to 1 if it is necessary to obtain information on the specified product with a breakdown by country as described in the “Total data or countrywise breakdown” section.

In case if a collective region is selected, the countrywise = 1 parameter will return values for each country from the list of respective countries that belong to the region.

In case if a single country is selected, the countrywise = 1 parameter will return values for the list of country’s trade partners (e.g., import suppliers or export destinations).

The factor parameter must also be used with this parameter. Data will be obtained only for the specified factor and for all respective countries.
the value of this parameter determines the factor for which data is required for all partner countries. Used only in conjunction with the countrywise = 1 parameter. All available FACTOR_NAME values are listed in the “Factor selection” section.
this parameter is required for all requests, set YOUR_API_KEY to your API key./region and for total values of all available factors.

HTTP request example:

Copy Copy

Response example:

                      "data": {
                        "Afghanistan": {
                          "2012": {
                            "res": 1.13,
                            "raw": 1.13,
                            "mir": null
                        "Austria": {
                          "2012": {
                            "res": 0.99,
                            "raw": 0.99,
                            "mir": 1.03
                      "unit": "USD per kg",
                      "id_prod": "0803",
                      "hs_code": "080300,080310,080390",
                      "region": "France",
                      "factor_name": "Import Price",
                      "year_start": 2012,
                      "year_finish": 2012

Request for monthly data by product/factor and partner countries

Request structure and description of parameters used:

can only take this value, indicating that data is being requested.
the value of this parameter is the id_prod obtained as a result of the "Product search" request. Do not remove leading zeros from this value!
the value of this parameter is the "code" returned from the "List of countries and regions" request. Do not remove leading zeros from this value!
the value of this parameter must be 1 when requesting monthly data.
year_start=2019, year_finish=2023
these values contain the starting and ending years, data for which should be obtained as a result of the request. The starting year cannot be less than 2019 in monthly data requests, the finishing year cannot be greater than the current one.
month_start=1, month_finish=2
these values contain the starting and ending months, data for which should be obtained as a result of the request.
the value of this parameter must be equal to 1 if it is necessary to obtain information on the specified product with a breakdown by country as described in the “Total data or countrywise breakdown” section.

In case if a collective region is selected, the countrywise = 1 parameter will return values for each country from the list of respective countries that belong to the region.

In case if a single country is selected, the countrywise = 1 parameter will return values for the list of country’s trade partners (e.g., import suppliers or export destinations).

The factor parameter must also be used with this parameter. Data will be obtained only for the specified factor and for all respective countries.
the value of this parameter determines the factor for which data is required for all partner countries. Used only in conjunction with the countrywise = 1 parameter. All available FACTOR_NAME values are listed in the “Factor selection” section.
this parameter is required for all requests, set YOUR_API_KEY to your API key./region and for total values of all available factors.

HTTP request example:

Copy Copy

Response example:

                          "data": {
                            "Austria": {
                              "202001": {
                                "raw": 0.48
                              "202002": {
                                "raw": null
                            "Bangladesh": {
                              "202001": {
                                "raw": 2.62
                              "202002": {
                                "raw": 2.13
                          "unit": "USD per kg",
                          "id_prod": "0803",
                          "hs_code": "080300,080310,080390",
                          "region": "France",
                          "factor_name": "Import Price",
                          "month_start": 1,
                          "month_finish": 2,
                          "year_start": 2020,
                          "year_finish": 2020

Units of measurement

Unless specified otherwise, the values in physical terms are presented in units relevant to each particular product (units of weight, volume, or number of items). The list of units and the relevant API codes is presented in the table below.

In monetary terms, the indicators are presented at the current U.S. dollars. (nominal values for each particular year, not adjusted to inflation). Secondary factors (i.e, those calculated from other factors) are presented in units relevant for a particular product.

Unit of measure API code
Kilograms kg
Number of items units
Cubic meters m3
Square meters m2
Number of pairs 2u
Volume in litres litres
Weight in carats carats
USD per unit of measurement USD per “unit”
Kilograms per carcass kg per “unit”
Hectares ha
Numbers of producing animals slaughtered heads
Per capita consumption “unit” per person

Data categories (raw/mirror/normalized)

The system uses the following data categories:

Data category API code Explanation
Raw raw Data obtained directly from a primary source. With regard to import/export, this also means that this is ‘direct’ data, i.e. the data reported directly from a particular country.
Mirror mir This data refers to import/export only. This data reflects imports/exports for a particular country, but the data is obtained by ‘mirroring’ trade flow data reported by a country’s trade partners.
Normalized res Data obtained after combining raw and mirror data and performing IndexBox AI algorithms to eliminate any data anomalies and complete missing data.

Example how raw and mirror data concepts work:

Raw data: COUNTRY_A reported imports 1000t of avocados from COUNTRY_B in 2010. Thus, raw imports for COUNTRY_A = 1000 tons in 2010.

Mirror data: COUNTRY_C did not report any avocado imports from COUNTRY_B in 2010, so the raw data is ‘0’. But when we check exports of avocados, we find that COUNTRY_B reported 200t of avocados exported to COUNTRY_C (despite the recipient country reported nothing). Thus, COUNTRY_C raw data for 2010 is ‘0’, but the mirror data is ‘200’.

Please refer to a further explanation here:

Example how raw and mirror data concepts work:

Raw data: COUNTRY_A reported imports 1000t of avocados from COUNTRY_B in 2010. Thus, raw imports for COUNTRY_A = 1000 tons in 2010.

Mirror data: COUNTRY_C did not report any avocado imports from COUNTRY_B in 2010, so the raw data is ‘0’. But when we check exports of avocados, we find that COUNTRY_B reported 200t of avocados exported to COUNTRY_C (despite the recipient country reported nothing). Thus, COUNTRY_C raw data for 2010 is ‘0’, but the mirror data is ‘200’.

Please refer to a further explanation here:

Error reporting

The IndexBox API uses a simple error reporting mechanism to indicate the success or failure of a request. In case of an error, an array will be returned in the form of a JSON string with the error statement, the contents of which will explain the reason for the failure.

Typical values for the error statements:

Invalid action value
the action parameter was not specified or an invalid value was passed
Internal server error
indicates an unexpected error on our side
Invalid api_key value
a user with such a key was not found (such a key does not exist) or key value is incorrectly specified
Per second limit reached
the limit on the number of API calls for the current day has been reached the using one key or from one IP address, you cannot make more than 100 requests per second
Daily limit reached
the limit on the number of API calls for the current day has been reached
Monthly limit reached
the limit on the number of API calls in the current month has been reached
Invalid request
the request is incorrectly formed or there are no parameters in the request
Invalid hs_code value
the HS code is incorrectly specified or missing in the request when accessing the product search
Invalid id_prod value
the product ID ( id_prod ) is incorrectly specified or missing in the request
Invalid region value
the region code ( region ) is incorrectly specified or missing in the request
Invalid monthly value
the monthly key value is incorrectly specified or missing in the request (if applicable)
Invalid year_start value
the year_start key value is incorrectly specified or missing in the request
Invalid year_finish value
the year_finish key value is incorrectly specified or missing in the query request
Invalid yearly interval
the starting year matters more than the finishing year
Invalid countrywise value
the countrywise key value is incorrectly specified or missing in the request (if applicable)
Invalid month_start value
the month_start key value is incorrectly specified or missing in the request (if applicable)
Invalid month_finish value
the month_finish key value is incorrectly specified or missing in the request (if applicable)
Invalid factor value
the factor key value is incorrectly specified or missing in the request (if applicable)
No data
this error comes in response to a request if there is no data on the platform for the specified product/region/factor/dates
No products found
no products were found for the specified HS-code